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Gainesville, FL 32607-1639
United States
Kitchen Appliance Repair Course
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (EST)
The Best Restoration
7230 West University AvenueGainesville, FL 32607-1639
United States
Event Details
Course Topics:
This hands-on course provides a comprehensive overview of common residential kitchen appliances. Participants will learn about the mechanical and electrical components, operations, cycles, functions, and troubleshooting techniques for these appliances, with a focus on design principles, installation, and

reading wiring diagrams.
Learning Outcomes:
● Identify the major components
● Learn common preventive maintenance procedures
●Troubleshoot commonly received work orders
*The hands-on portion of the class will focus on refrigerators & electric ranges.*
For More Information:
Attendee Agreement
By registering and attending any NCFAA class, meeting, or event you are agreeing to our Safety Liability Agreement. As deemed necessary, additional requirements will be added below:
- If you are sick, caring for an ill person, or may have recently been exposed to COVID-19 we ask that you stay home for self-quarantine.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer often, especially after touching high traffic areas.