Governor Extends Revised Eviction Moratorium

Industry News,

Governor DeSantis Extends Revised Eviction Moratorium

Disclaimer: The information enclosed in this email is being provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. NCFAA members are encouraged to contact their legal counsel regarding any landlord/tenant law matters. 
On July 29, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order 20-180, which provides a limited extension of the original eviction moratorium that was issued in Executive Order 20-94Executive Order 20-180 included important revisions, which will allow evictions, even cases for nonpayment of rent, to be filed and processed by the courts. On August 30th, the Governor issued Executive Order 20-211, which extended Executive Order 20-180 until October 1st.
The new order merely suspends the "final action at the conclusion of an eviction proceeding" until October 1, 2020 for cases that arise from nonpayment of rent by a tenant who has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 emergency. According to the order, "adversely affected" by the COVlD-19 emergency means a loss of employment, diminished wages or business income, or other monetary loss realized during the Florida State of Emergency and directly impacting the ability of a residential tenant to make rent payments. This new language also clarifies that the judicial system can issue writs of possession for eviction proceedings unrelated to nonpayment of rent.
FAA hosted a webinar explaining this limited eviciton moratorium. For access to the slide deck, please click on the link below.